Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Today Tonka and I went for a ride with my dad and Sox, and my sister walked along with her "new" horse, Cowboy. Actually he was her horse to begin with, but then her husband claimed him, and he's just recently given Cowboy back to her. Levi has taken a downturn in health and really shouldn't be ridden anymore.
Tonka didn't deal as well with my dad taking off at a gallop as he has in the past. He was really nervous, but eventually he did settle down.

Tomorrow we have another ride planned, out in the woods. Wish us luck...


  1. I have a horse named Cowboy! So your dad just galloped off---funny--he sounds like a good horseman.

  2. I know Linda, isn't that cool? I was telling her I know someone else who rides a paint horse named Cowboy. Maybe someday we'll all get to ride together. My sister doesn't think it's worth hauling all the way to Spokane for a ride though. But I like coming up for the Mustang Club rides, and she can just trailer along with me, hopefully. There's a ride at Riverside in April. I forget the exact date though...
