Thursday, February 04, 2010

Yesterday I worked Scout and Tonka together in the round pen. Tonka was being as good as he could possibly be, but Scout was hiding behind him. So I took Tonka out and made Scout face the flag alone. It was soon apparent that he was feeling a little dopey from his vaccine the day before, so I let them stand at the trailer for a while and called it a day.


  1. Anonymous9:04 AM

    He does look a bit under the weather - poor boy!

  2. Aww, in the third picture he looks so droopy! Hope he feels better soon!

  3. He's not the most energetic critter on the best of days, so I'm not actually sure whether he was feeling bad that day. But better safe than sorry.

  4. I agree, he looks like he doesn't feel well. Weird. Maybe the vaccine gave him a little reaction or a small dose of the flu, but it's not supposed to.
