Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I like this picture of me and Bella looking at some crazy young male creature - either my son or my dog, I'm not sure which. Then my camera died so John couldn't get any pictures of our ride.
Today I picked up the mess from our fence tear-down and took it to the burn pile.
While I was at it I noticed a problem on the truck. This thing is a flap of plastic. I thought it was metal. Silly me. Anyway, it was flapping down onto the tire because the bolts had come out. The best thing I could find was a long eye-bolt to temporarily fix it. I'm good at monkey rigging stuff. Not so good at actually doing a job right...

Then I got Tonka out, discovered a bite on his shoulder that would have hurt under a saddle, so we played with the drain tile. It makes a great noise on the stiff, woody tansy stubble.

Then Huck wanted India's mouse.

She wasn't interested in sharing.
I did some shopping today. Later I'll have to share with you the cute stuff I got for the kids for Easter. Handmade suckers and cute candies. I still have to go by Cowgirl Chocolates and see if they have any chocolate cows or horses. I'll show you when I've got all the loot gathered. Such fun, I'm actually going to be ready ahead of time this year!


  1. Looks like a fun Spring at your place! We're getting ready to head out of town, but I hope to do some shopping for Easter presents in Texas.

  2. I haven't even shopped for dinner yet. I am making some baskets for the girls. Even the grown up ones. Have to figure out the boys. They would not like baskets with lace and beads and ribbon.
