Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Northwest Extreme Mustang Makeover starts tonight. I wish I could be there but it just wasn't in the budget right now. To those of you going, I hope you have a blast! I'm sure there will be lots of great horses and trainers competing. It's really exciting stuff. If you haven't been to a Makeover you should definitely check one out.

Yesterday Liam, Huckleberry and I drove across the state of Washington to visit friends. We're having lots of fun. We're going to check out the Pacific Science Center later. Everyone's been there but me. So I expect it will be lots of fun, hopefully not too boring for those who have been before. I know Liam will love it even if some of it was the same when he visited last year.

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!


  1. I love the Science Institute--have fun!

  2. Hope you have fun. I have never been there either.
