Monday, March 15, 2010

Yesterday I talked about a decision (for now). Well, I had pretty much talked myself into having Bella put down sometime, maybe when it's Soxy's time to go. She's lame on both stifles. The surgery would cost a lot and may not help anyway. She'd be an expensive pet, and that is not fair to my family. That's an easy decision to make, inside the house, when I've avoided spending any time with her.

This weekend I spent a little time with her with no agenda, and it didn't take long at all before I remembered how special she is and how much I love her. She's the sweetest, tenderest horse I've ever known. Those big eyes, that sweet nose. Ahhh, she just makes my soul more comfortable. Like it's wearing soft, warm jammies.

And speaking of Bella - holy cow that mare would have made a phenomenal cow horse! She hates those cows! She guards our fenceline and makes sour faces at them when they try to hang around. I thought she was hanging out there because she likes them, but that isn't the case. Then today I don't know what got her kinked up, but she was racing around in these small circles, getting right down into the ground and making incredible turns, then taking off like a rocket. You wouldn't have known she had any lameness issues. What a show. Makes me wish I was the kind of horseman that could take advantage of that, if I can get her lameness fixed.

I just thought I'd blather here for a minute before bed. And now you know the circles my mind has been going in regarding my favorite mare in the world.


  1. Tough decisions, Andrea. Seems like they're never simple, are they?

  2. This is probably a dumb question and I'm sure the answer is no, but would the BLM maybe help cover some of cost for surgery/care for her since she was injured before you got her?

    Glad you got some fun time with Belle. Horses are definitely good for the soul! :)

  3. That is truly a tough decision, but you should trust your instincts...
