Friday, April 16, 2010

Hobble training took place today, finally. I didn't spend a lot of time on it but he got the feel of it. Yes, I know it's risky to do it with a saddle on but I knew it would be uneventful. He thought it was pretty weird and he wasn't happy about it, but he didn't freak out.
After that I penned up the young punk and took Cisco for a test-ponying. He used to be a pack horse and I wanted to see how well he'd do. We have a backcountry trip in the planning phases. :) Cisco and Tonka both did great.

Leap Dog
(Click to enlarge. The eyes!)

It amazes me how much this dog thinks about stuff.

Today I realized how totally lucky I am to have this in my own back yard.

Boys playing with junk

They were all having so much fun
Another one worth clicking to enlarge. Again - the eyes! Such joy and zest for life!

Crimpy butt hair

It was so warm out he finally went ahead and just got in. It was very cold water but he had a blast!
I had so much fun with my son today. I really needed that!


  1. That looks very cold Liam. BRRRRR
    I spent the day playing with Sage. Oh how fun. Hope you can come up soon and get acquainted.

  2. Wow it's snowing here, I'm cold just thinking about getting in any streams.

  3. Cool pictures, Andrea--you are lucky to have that in your backyard.

  4. Your dogs are so photogenic and I love your little boys braveness.
