Sunday, August 29, 2010

My dad has to head back home in a couple days so we took a ride out in the mountains today. It was a good ride with some firsts for Scout. First we saw cattle, and he thought they were pretty neat. He wanted to get right up there and play with them. Of course, we live next door to cattle so it's not like he hasn't seen them before. Then we ran into a very large group of horses and riders with an aggressive dog. The dog had no interest in us, it went straight for Huckleberry, but it did run right by us and Scout kept his cool. He was way more interested in the other horses. (Poor Huck headed for the hills and it took him a while to get brave enough to come back to us. Just call him, "Huck, the Cowardly Cowdog.")

Scout also went over a trickle of water (jumped the Grand Canyon) and over and through a lot of natural trail obstacles on some narrow trails. He took it all like a horse who wasn't raised in a flat, treeless pasture. We're going to have to work on the water crossings though...

I think there may be something wrong with this video. If it doesn't work within a couple hours I'll post it through YouTube.


  1. Anonymous6:03 PM

    Cute pictures - love the first picture - one bored, the other very interested!

  2. You inspire me to get me girl on the float (trailer) and drive to better riding and just get out there. bummer about the dog. Poor Huck. I hope they thing twice before taking that dog out with them again. Just think if Huck hadn't outrun him! Going out with horses in public should be a right reserved only for well behaved dogs. Otherwise next thing they'll be banned like they are from most parks and trails here in Oz. I miss riding with my dogs!

  3. I love the first picture in your post...the headshots of the two boys! It's really cute!

  4. And your video made me "horse-sick". I can't wait till I can ride again this fall!!!
