Monday, August 16, 2010

Scout's first trip out on the trail was AWESOME! He couldn't have been better. Melissa and Gypsy went with us and we had a nice relaxing hour and a half of riding. I'm sure she was relieved that I didn't take her out for a long ride again.

Scout has now had 3 days off thanks to a family trip and pure laziness on my part today. These weekend camping trips wear me out and it takes a little time for me to get back in the groove. This heat is really sapping the energy out of me too. I got a fair amount of housework done today though. It really needed to be done. I also got the horses wormed. They loved me for that. Quest gel has got to be nasty if it tastes as bad as it smells. Another thing I did today was kind of naughty. I bid on a Myler bit on eBay. Not much, so I'm sure I'll be outbid, but I'd really like to have a nice gentle bit for both of my boys. We'll see, maybe I'll get lucky.


  1. Looks like a nice day :)

    What bit (ie what mouthpiece/cheek) did you bid on?

  2. You know, I think I got over-excited about finding a cheap one and bid on one I'm not sure I'd be happy with. It would probably work for Tonka but isn't a colt-starting bit. It's a Kimberwick with what looks like a mullen mouthpiece, although I didn't realize that when I bid. I've already been outbid though so all is well.

  3. Awww, he looks so grown up in that pic. I can't believe I've been reading your blog since just before he was born!

  4. Tina - Isn't it amazing how time flies? Although sometimes it seems like forever ago that Scout was a soft little whippersnapper with tickly whiskers. I am so pleased with the horse he's growing into. When I adopted Bella I wasn't expecting such a wonderful surprise to land in my lap.
