Wednesday, August 25, 2010

We had a lovely little ride today. My nephew got a new horse, kind of. The horse used to be his big sisters' horse, and they had given Dino to someone else in 4H, and now he's back. They're really excited, he's a good old horse. (His name is pronounced like Dyno, not like Deeno.)


My sister, my dad, and my nephew in front of me.
Next time Liam will come with me and ride Soxy. I wasn't sure if he wanted to ride so I left Soxy home with Bella, thinking it would be better for Bella not to get excited. Liam was so upset, turns out he did want to ride really bad. Next time I'll let Scout keep Bella company and the boys can be cowboys together on their old horses. That'll be lots of fun.

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