Friday, October 29, 2010

Bella's stifle surgery went just fine. As I expected, the vet couldn't see the locking very well, but he could feel it, and he had been the one to diagnose it a couple years ago. It doesn't happen on command, and usually happens only in certain circumstances. It was very bad last week when I rode her for 10 minutes (or less) and as I told the vet, right now she's not usable at all, so we might as well do this. So we did. It felt very wrong as I watched him cut her tendon. I have to keep reminding myself that it's the only way she might be able to lead a useful life. And as every person there said, she has such a wonderful, calm temperament, it's worth it to give it a try.

She was such a wonderful, good girl. I hadn't loaded her for at least 6 months, and she loaded right up even though she hates trailer rides. She only rocked the trailer a couple times when we were passed by semis. When we got there she unloaded calmly and stood around and lunged and whatnot while there was large machinery working in the parking lot. He barely sedated her for the surgery and she was fine. The only problem we had was while she was in the stocks after the surgery. He was checking her teeth, so she had the speculum in her mouth and tied her head up high, then he went to use the power float. Problem was, the sedation had worn off and it was too much. She tried several times to say she couldn't handle it, then she shot backward, as much as she could in the stocks. So she got some more sedation. He gave her a bit seat and took down the sharp points that had started along the outside of her molars. They weren't bad, I've seen worse on a 3 year old. Oh, and he did confirm that she is 5 years old.

Miss Dopey trying to walk off that second dose of sedation, which was stronger than the first:

Here you can see both stifle incisions, if you look closely:
Here's a closer shot of just one. Tiny incisions.

And here is a picture taken over Scout's back as he ate. The new building went up yesterday.
They weren't supposed to be here until today, but they showed up right after we got Bella settled in. Lucky we were home - we had just heard a story about these guys showing up early when nobody was home and putting the building in the wrong spot.

Another exciting development - I found good beet pulp again! The stuff I've been buying is like a pelleted powder, and who knows what might be in it. I bought some at the feed store right near home and it's pelleted shreds, just like I used to buy, and it bulks up twice as much as the other stuff when I soak it. I know it sounds minor, but to me it's a wonderful thing. :)

I'd better get out and take care of Miss Bella now. She's to have Bute 2x daily and a huge shot of penicillin once a day, just in case. Plus she's stalled (for at least 5 days) so I have to haul her water and clean her stall. I really enjoy it, it's good to spend time in the barn.


  1. I sure hope the surgery works. That would be great. Who are you feeding beet pulp to? Do they like it? I was thinking I might try that with Red this year--I just do not want him to drop weight.

  2. They all get a little beet pulp, just as a carrier for their vitamins and probiotics. The wet beet pulp holds onto the powdered supplements really well. For the ones that aren't too fat I add a little alfalfa pellets too. None of them should have grain so this works really well for me. They all look forward to their daily "treats." I have had some horses that were skeptical about it at first, most memorably old Coda, but he was a really picky eater. I added some grain and oil to his to make him eat it, but then he needed the extra calories so that worked out. Most of my horses are pigs that will eat anything that looks a little bit like food.

  3. Whoops, I should clarify. I meant none of MY horses should have grain, for various reasons, not no horses at all...

  4. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Glad all went well with Bella's surgery, and hope it resolves her problems.
