Friday, October 22, 2010

I only took time to ride Tonka today. I've been fighting a stomach bug since Wednesday. It's not severe, just a really unhappy stomach and a lot of sleepiness. Today I took it easy most of the day, but I made myself ride because it's supposed to rain for the next week. Yuck.


  1. Anonymous3:35 AM

    He is such a good looking, sturdy boy - how handsome! Hope your stomach feels better soon.

  2. What a handsome boy he is.

  3. What a handsome boy he is.

  4. Such a cutie bear! Your saddle looks great on him. Do you both still like it?

  5. Still totally in love with the saddle!

    Thanks, I think he's pretty handsome too, and cuddly and soft as a teddy bear with his winter coat coming in.
