Thursday, December 09, 2010

My wool roving is here and I can't show it to you! No camera of any sort here. It's beautiful. The medium grey, ironically, since I'm learning how to do this from Linda in Alberta, is from a ewe named Linda, who I think I remember as being a sweet older sheep. It has so many different hues in it, and almost a... mauve? tone to it. I'm not sure that's the right color. The dark grey, almost black, with silver fibers, comes from Lightning the ram (Linda's son) who Melissa says I named. He was such a cute lamb, dark, with a white lightning bolt across his face, which I commented on. Later she told me she named him Lightning. I am glad she kept him, he was one of my favorites that year, and his color is gorgeous. He makes a great huge, heavy fleece now that he's all grown up. The white roving is lamb's wool from three different girls - Nadia, Hanna, and Melody. I'm sure I've met them but I don't remember them. I'm excited to get started but I've got to do some housework first, and I really am tempted not to do anything until I have a camera.

I think I might put Lightning's dark wool on the outer edge, since it's slightly more coarse, and I assume that means it's stronger. But I'm not decided yet...

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