Thursday, January 27, 2011

This morning we didn't have time for a long walk but we went 2.5 miles. I love my EveryTrail app on my phone for tracking distance.

I realized this morning that what used to be my "skinny" jeans (I'd only wear them some days because they weren't very comfortable) are now my comfy jeans. Love it. All the hard work and dieting is paying off, slowly but surely. And my back isn't near as painful now as it was a couple months ago.

Tonka still seems sore, but the walking is helping. His hind end is super short-strided when we start out but he's more normal by the time we get home. I think if we keep up the daily walks I might be able to ride him next week without feeling like I'm hurting him. Weather permitting.

Tonight I'm going to the Mustang Club meeting in Spokane. It's at Perkins on Mission and Argonne at 6pm if anyone would like to join us. We'll probably be planning some trail rides, and of course talking about Mustang Days. You don't have to have a mustang to join in the fun!

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