Friday, January 14, 2011

Today was a crazy day! I never even saw the horses, other than a glance in the dark as I fed before dawn and long after sunset.

My son had his student led conference this morning and it was a lot of fun. He didn't really enjoy having to show us the details of all the work he's done over the year, though.

Then we ran some errands and went to my sister's to keep her company before her MRI today. She's having some disturbing visual problems and headaches. The doctor talked her into getting it checked, since one of the most common places for her cancer to metastasize is the brain.

We did some more running around, I dropped Liam off with John, then met my sister and her husband at the hospital where I so recently had my MRI. I eventually remembered to call my daughter to tell her I'd be home late, and she answered the phone in tears. She'd sprained her ankle at school and they just sent her home on the bus! I think she didn't want to draw attention to herself but I wish she'd have called me. I could at least have picked her up and saved her the long, slippery, steep walk down our driveway. I think she was in a lot of pain by the time I called because of that walk. I rushed home, after stopping off to pick Liam up but he didn't want to come home, so it was just Katia and me. She was feeling better by then, had iced and elevated it. So I got her more comfortable and made her popcorn and we watched a movie together. When she gets up and hops to the bathroom her ankle starts hurting again. But then she admitted she never took any ibuprofen so I got her some. Hopefully that will help with the swelling and inflammation.

My sister called and said the lady who did the MRI told her she didn't see anything to worry about. That is awesome news and will make it much easier to wait through the weekend, but we still have to wait for the radiologists to look at it.

Liam and John came home, and Liam had had an great day at John's work. They were there for about 4 hours and he kept himself occupied, didn't interrupt when John was with a customer (after the first customer and a reminder how important it is that he not interfere). He wrote some paragraphs about how much he enjoyed himself. That kid, he amazes me. He can have some really rotten days followed by totally angelic sweetness. I don't get what changes him, but I enjoy the good times to the fullest! (Although he's insisted, "No more kisses mom." Darn it.)

Tonight I went out to feed and it was warm, silent, windless, and bright with moonlight. Beautiful. I hope this weather holds through tomorrow. I'd really like to spend some good time with the horses. Good night!

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