Tuesday, January 18, 2011

What a HUGE relief. Soxy is going to be fine. Well, for now... The vet thinks it's the same old thing it has been - most likely a sinus infection but possibly a guttural pouch infection. Her lungs sounded great, heart was great too. He said she looks very healthy and alert, and he doesn't think her problem is painful. So we treat it, again, with antibiotics. He said he'd get back to me on a dose for goldenseal and echinacea too. I hadn't thought of giving her echinacea but I already started with the goldenseal, but probably too low a dose. I know when I start to get a sinus infection it clears it up. Have to be careful though because it can be hard on the liver, and we haven't run bloodwork on Soxy.

I didn't realize how stressed I was about this until I was halfway home and I suddenly felt like a huge weight had been lifted off my chest. I'm glad she's going to be around for a good while more.


  1. Wonderful! It's too bad this seems to be a recurring issue though. :( Hope this solves it.

  2. Anonymous5:04 PM

    So glad that she's going to be OK - that must have been very scary!

  3. Glad to hear that Soxy will be okay!

  4. Anonymous7:05 AM

    I am so glad to hear that the old gal is going to be ok. She is such a good horse.

  5. Oh Andrea, I'm so glad! I've been worrying about that sweet old girl all day. She's so lucky to have you!

  6. Glad to hear she is going to be okay. It's always a relief to get positive news about things like this.

