Saturday, February 26, 2011

The horses made it through the night just fine. I shouldn't have worried. We got down to -7 according to my thermometer's memory. I'm glad it doesn't snow when it gets that cold so the horses' coats stay dry and fluffy. Normally I don't worry about cold when it's dry, but Tonka has big shaved spots and there was supposed to be wind. There is wind today, but at least we're up to 18 degrees now. I'm keeping them well fed and carrying water to put right under their little noses. They ought to be just fine.

Tonka seems a little depressed, but that's nothing new. He hasn't been eating near the other boys, and sometimes stands at the gate like he wants me to take him away from there. But he plays with them at other times. I think Cisco is singling him out to pick on around the feed since Scout isn't easily bullied.

And now I'm off to go entertain my bored kids!

1 comment:

  1. We didn't have wind, and my horses did great, too. I felt bad for them all night because when I was out there it was bitterly COLD!!! But as long as they have a constant supply of fuel (round bales) they seem to thrive. Plus, I threw them out two bales of alfalfa, too. They were in heaven. I tried blanketing one year after we moved here, but they ripped each other's blankets to shreds and I haven't done it since. I put them in the barn if it's windy or raining, but dry cold and snow, they appear to do well au naturale.
