Thursday, February 10, 2011

Today was a wonderful day for a ride! It was 41 degrees and sunny. A slight breeze chilled my hands a bit, but other than that it was perfect. Tomorrow is supposed to be nice also, and then it's going to get gross again.

Here's a picture I took a few days ago of Tonka's shoulder bridge pad, to show the area it fills in behind the shoulder. It is tapered at the back, even though it doesn't look like it in the picture.
After a longer ride with it today, I'm not convinced it does any good. It's memory foam, and when that stuff gets warm it just compresses. It looked good to begin with, but when we got back I think the front end of the saddle had dropped.

A photo of my summer playground - the mountains - all covered in snow.
I've actually never ridden in these mountains but I will this summer.
Part of it is Mary McCroskey state park.

This is Gold Hill, where I have ridden and will definitely ride again. I haven't been to the old mining camp yet.

We only rode for about an hour, but I swear it felt like two. It wore Tonka out too. He seemed like he wasn't feeling very well today. I considered just staying home but he clearly wanted to go up the road so we went.

Scout was a good boy for our ride. He's been ponied longer than this, but it was out in the woods which for some reason isn't near as scary as around man-made things. One of our neighbors is a farmer and he has lots of stuff on both sides of the road - an orchard, several buildings, big grain trucks, tractors, plows, cats - you name it. That gives them a lot to look at. We were only passed by one vehicle - the mail lady. She was nice and slowed down to go by. Scout spooked slightly once, which made Tonka lurch forward. I don't know what it was that bothered him.
My body is twisted today. It's weird, my left shoulder is in front of my right. Or my left hip is back. Not sure which. It made riding a little awkward. I'm going to the chiropractor tomorrow, hopefully he'll get me all lined up again.

I also made a huge turkey dinner today. It was fun. We emptied out our big freezer last weekend and turned it off, and this turkey had to be eaten. John's parents came over and we had a nice evening together. A couple hours later I still feel like I'm going to explode and die of salt intake. But it was totally worth it.


  1. Anonymous3:35 AM

    Nice pictures, and glad you got them out for a ride. I'm hoping we'll warm up some by the weekend so Pie and I can get out.

  2. It was a beautiful day here, too--basically, the same weather. Aren't we lucky? Tonka's probably a bit out of shape--plus, seems like they always sweat more with their winter coats.

    Good for you ponying Scout. You're doing great with that, Andrea!! It's good experience for him.

  3. Is that the pad made by Tucker?

  4. Michelle - It isn't the Tucker pad, it's made by Skito. Tucker/Circle Y does make a copy of it. I haven't seen it in person but from the description it sounds like the same thing. There is also an Impact Gel pad like it.

  5. I have one of the Professional's Choice Orthosport pads on order at the tack store here (I had some store credit to use up). Waiting for it to get in and hope it does the trick.

    In the meantime, I have taken and duct taped some felt shims onto my felt pad in a way that seems to be working.
