Thursday, March 10, 2011

This weather is gross.

This is water flowing vigorously into one of the pastures.

This is my poor horse. I should have waited until tomorrow to take his blanket off. I wish he'd go inside, but even if I put his food in there, he won't.

This guy is covered in burrs

And just downright nasty.
He also brought home most of a picked-over calf carcass from across the fence today. He looked very happy, prancing home with his heavy load. He's hidden it already. I wanted to get a look at it to see how rank it was. I know it's been dead at least 3 days because I've been watching a bald eagle feed on it. (Glad the eagle wasn't around when Huck claimed his prize.) I think he's going to get dragged straight to the bath tub when it comes time to bring him in. He won't like that.

1 comment:

  1. I so hear you on the mud, we have it for months and months this time of year! It really sucks. And the dogs? Yep, Sadie is a walking cedar tree. Everything sticks in her fur, plus she just runs right through the mud and puddles, Bailey jumps over the mud and puddles so he stays pretty clean!
