Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Today I managed to work with three horses.

Tonka worked on the lunge line, 5 circles each way at the walk, and then three each way at the trot, with a couple circles at the walk to finish off. He looked wonderful up until the end of the last trot circle. His tail came up and he looked uncomfortable and then he knuckled over on his inside hind and stumbled. I might be tempted to say it's because of the muscle problem, but today I cut out the flax in his supplement and I think maybe it made his gut feel better, which is why he didn't look bad the entire time. I have high hopes. I know flax can be very irritating to people with bowel problems.

Scout worked on pretty much the same program but more of it, but I also touched up the trim on his hind feet. He was a very good boy. Then he got to go greet Grace. She didn't love him quite as much as she did Tonka. He is a big dumb baby after all. :)

Then I got Bella out and worked on her mane. I didn't realize she had these dreds hiding in there until just the other day. They're gone now, after much time, elbow grease, and detangler.

She got to take a nap while I visited with a friend who came to meet Grace.

Grace was very interested in the dogs, who were milling around us, and the two humans who were hanging around talking and mostly ignoring her. She kept sticking her nose on us or through the fence to check out the dogs. She's very curious.

Bella worked briefly on the lunge line after that and then we called it a day. I let her go over to say hi to Grace, but Grace just ignored her. I guess she's not interested in visiting with girls. How rude.

If the weather would stay at least halfway decent, I could see myself working with 3-4 horses a day, which is what I really need to be doing. I'd have to give some more time than others, based on their training level. I doubt I'll do that though. The only consistent thing about me is that I'm inconsistent... Some horse(s) will have to go on to new homes. I'm just not ready for that yet though.


  1. Anonymous5:54 PM

    A good day's work. I hope to get up to 2 or 3 horses a day shortly - if the weather will ever cooperate.

  2. Sounds like a nice day :)

    It's all I can do to keep up with my one horse right now, so I congratulate you on 3 :)
