Sunday, May 29, 2011

I've been hanging in here, working my butt off and making sure to work my horse every day. He developed a lump in the middle of his back, so I was looking for a chiropractor, then the lump went away and I rode again. After my ride his hair was roughed up on either side of his spine in that spot and there was a smallish lump there. So no more riding in that saddle. I was going to sell it but...

Cisco will be coming back home soon. Glad we didn't spend the money because he didn't work out for the people. He won't do a thing for them. I hope it's not too hard to get him tuned back up. So I'll keep the saddle, which was his saddle, and I don't know how I'm going to raise money for the EZ Fit treeless saddle that I want to order for Tonka.

The good news is he seemed happy in the wade saddle again. Fickle boy. I didn't ride him tonight because of the swelling by his spine, but I did exercise him with the saddle on and you'd never know he'd thrown a fit about it a month ago. Maybe it was the pad... Who knows. I still would really like to get that treeless saddle, somehow. I've had my dressage saddle up for sale for months, maybe something amazing will happen and it will sell.

I thought my boy looked very handsome in front of the blooming trees yesterday.

He wasn't real keen on having his picture taken though.

And here's what his neck looks like now. I think it's been getting worse, not better, while I've been using the antifungal cream. I have an appointment at the vet for John's dog on Tuesday so I'm going to ask them if they can bring out the big guns on this. Maybe a steroid cream? Or better yet, maybe a shot? Wouldn't it be great if a quick shot would clear him up?

I put another ad up for Scout, hoping to get him sold before I have to put more time into him, but I have him priced too high. I'm not sure whether I'll drop his price or just start riding him. Because I have 5 hours a day to spend with all these horses, right? I wish...

I missed the Mustang Club meeting last week. John went out of town and both kids had practice. It was also Liam's last day of school and I was running around all day. I was bummed, I like my good social time with my mustang buddies. I haven't heard whether they've planned any trail rides. Maybe not, with this virus going around.

Today I dug up about 15 aspen trees at my friend's place. Thank you Melissa! Some of them were pretty big. I got 3 planted and have roughly 12 left to plant. I don't know if they'll live since I'm transplanting them after they've leafed out but I hope they will. A couple of the small ones look pretty wilted, but the rest look good so far. She also gave me some cucumber, zuchini, and yellow squash starts. So I'll be in the garden tomorrow too, working the soil.

Busy, busy spring! So far the ball games are going well, Katia hasn't lost a game yet. Liam has his first game this week. Most of their games are at the same times, so John and I will have to take turns. I hate to miss any of the games, but I can't be in two places at once.

So there you have it - my life in general. Hope you're all enjoying your spring, and maybe having drier, warmer weather than we are. What a strange year it's been, so cold and wet.


  1. I wish someone would give me some more aspen trees. I LOVE them. I have two, but they're spreading. One has five trunks now. Sounds like you're very busy at your place. Good luck selling Scout.

  2. Have you tried plain old iodine for the skin condition? :)

  3. No rides planned because nobody besides Marilyn and Dave came. Feel bad about it but people are busy. We need to get one planned though.
