Sunday, May 15, 2011

We had a great birthday party for my son yesterday. He had invited his whole class and I didn't know what to expect, but we ended up with just the right number of kids. We all played tennis, played at the playground and visited in the shade. The weather forecast was terrible with possible hail, thunder and even maybe a tornado, but it turned out to be a beautiful day, if a little hot at first.

Tonka had the day off yesterday because he didn't seem quite right. I think I overdid it with him the day before, ponying Scout. If he was confined I would have at least walked him yesterday to loosen things up, but he has plenty of room to exercise himself and friends to help motivate him. He seems better today. I'll exercise him this evening, but I may not ride.

Today I've mainly spent relaxing time with the horses, feeding Grace grass, hanging out with Tonka while he grazed, scratching their itchy places. Then I trimmed Tonka and Scout. Their hooves are really growing.

While I was finishing up with the trimming John came out and showed me how Grace lets him approach and pet her without grabbing the rope first. We eventually decided to take the drag rope off. Then I decided to try putting a lighter weight rope halter on her since we don't need the drag rope. She handled it very well, me with my arms wrapped around her neck and both hands up by her ears. I put the new halter on over the old one and then slipped the old one off underneath. Her hair was lying all weird and she wasn't sure she liked the ticklish feel. I think she'll be happy to not have so much gear hanging off her head.

Not horse related, but look who I met in my garden the other day:

Too cute
My wee chickies are getting big. They went out into the coop yesterday for the first time.

Here's Merry:

This girl has grown to be so pretty. I'm going to change her name, Pippin just isn't right for her.
She reminds me of a bald eagle, so I was thinking maybe Liberty - Libby for short. But that doesn't really sound right to me either. Any suggestions?

1 comment:

  1. Eagle? I had a chicken called Eagle once. She was a favorite. :)

    Re your allergies, have you tried using a neti pot? My hubbie uses one and swears by it for hayfever.
