Sunday, June 12, 2011

We just got back from a quick camping trip with my family. It was great to spend time with my grandparents, as always. My aunt and uncle were there also, and I enjoyed getting to spend so much time with them.

My aunt Rhonda took Liam out kayaking for his first time. She just had her wrist replaced last winter and the paddling bothered her a bit but she really enjoyed taking him out, and getting back out there herself. He really wants a kayak now, and so do the rest of us. They're not cheap though so we'll have to do some saving.

Me and Katia with our "camping hair." Oh well, memories aren't always made on good hair days.

John, Katia and I climbed a mountain with Henry. He's getting ready to climb Mt. Adams again next month. He just turned 60 and he's in better shape than I am. I need to climb some more mountains without a horse between my knees. Even though it was hard it was a great sense of accomplishment and the scenery was absolutely beautiful.

I thought this was a wonderful picture of Huckleberry.

Here are my fur child and my first child on top of the mountain. A lovely picture of both of them. We kept Huck on a leash so he wouldn't go find a bear and make it mad and run back to us with it.
We did see a big bear poop near a spot where something very large had bedded down, but luckily we didn't see the critter itself. On the way back down the mountain I had to turn Huck loose. The trail was narrow and in bad shape and it rained while we were up there, making for slick footing and a risk of falling way down the mountainside. I didn't want him pulling me off balance with the leash, so I just kept telling him to wait when he got far enough ahead, and to get back on trail if he got distracted. He was a very good boy.

On the other hand, in camp he was a pain in the butt. He doesn't like strangers and he's very protective and possessive of me (and anyone else he likes). He took a long time and a lot of bribing to warm up to my grandparents and aunt and uncle. He would stare at them and growl. He finally got comfortable with them but then my grandma got up and walked and he barked and growled at her. He doesn't like the way old people move slowly, he thinks they're sneaky and dangerous. Same with toddlers. Needless to say I had to keep a leash on him and watch him very closely in the crowded campground. I don't know if I could handle leaving him home, but he really is more of a farm dog than a friendly, happy-go-lucky camp dog.

Now we're home. Lots of work to do here, which is good but overwhelming. I find that I miss the work when I'm gone, but when I get back there is so very much to do. The grass is out of control. I wish I could get 10 more horses just for a week or two to get the pastures eaten down. And some sheep for the lawn, if only they'd just eat the grass and weeds. And then they'd all have to go away when the grass is gone. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to mow, mow, mow.


  1. Do cows like to eat cheat grass? If so, I'm getting some! Let me know, please!!!

    Your camping trip looks fun. My kids always tell me (when I complain of bad hair) that I look the same no matter if I do my hair or not. I don't know how to take that, but I choose to take it in it's worst way. :/

    My husband's book is about treating all drugs like alcohol. He traces the history of prohibition in the first part then discusses the current problem and lastly, offers his own ideas about solutions. He's not a fan of court-ordered rehab, etc. He really feels like a person has to WANT to make a change (because it's so hard to do--especially with meth, etc.) and no one really knows what will make a person want to make that change--it's different for different people. He really wants parents not to bail kids out, but let them feel the consequences of poor choices early-on--before they develop a full-blown addiction habit. He's also a big-believer in the neuro-plasticity of the brain and its ability to create new pathways with daily habits of sobriety. That's pretty much it in a nutshell. Did you want that much info? haha.

  2. Kara is the same way with strangers. She is ok if they completely ignore her, she settles down, but if they look at her or try to get her to come over she won't have any of that. I don't think many people understand how different some aussies are with protecting the family and not liking strangers compared to other breeds. People seem to take it the wrong way and get their feelings hurt. So I try to tell them it's not anything they did to upset her it's just her being protective of me. She is fairly comfortable with both sides of the family that she sees often. She saw her first infant a few weeks ago and just stared and stared until they left. Even the foal she was cautious of for the first week.

  3. lol...old people 'sneaky and dangerous'.

    Huckleberry is so good looking, I hope Teddy looks like him when she grows up. The problem with farm dogs is they don't get exposed to many new people on a regular bases. We have dogs that are fine on the farm and then get weird around crowds. I'm going to try to take Teddy as many places as I can while she is a pup, but I have a feeling it might not make any difference...she is who she is, sort of thing. I already see she has a totally different personality than an Airedale. An Airedale has a great sense of humor, but so far Teddy thinks I'm turning evil when I want to play ghosties or something and runs like hell away from me.
