Sunday, July 24, 2011

We were on top of the world again today. This time I went in the car with the family. We drove all the way through McCroskey State Park, spotting trail heads, picking huckleberries, and checking out the more modern facilities like pit toilets and one potable water spigot. All I can say is, "Wow!" I can't believe I've lived here this long and didn't know such a beautiful place was right in my back yard, full of trails and camping and picnicking spots.

Do you feel it? The need to head down this trail and see what's around the corner? I sure do.


  1. Very pretty. You're lucky to live so near that. I guess you've got some exploring to do.

  2. Wow... those views are gorgeous! And I agree with Linda- it looks like you have more exploring to do!
