Friday, August 19, 2011

Cisco is sold! He's actually been gone since last Sunday but I didn't want to jinx it by saying anything. Now the bill of sale is signed, the guy loves him to death, and I have one less mouth to feed!

This guy is younger and totally willing to work Cisco through his issues. They went camping and rode through some rough country every day for the last 5 days. One day they went 20 miles. So he's thoroughly aware of Cisco's naughtiness. Love it.

Another thing that's kinda neat, is Cisco will live right across the creek from us. It's causing a little trouble right now because Tonka is all excited and moving more than he should. But it'll be nice to be able to see him, and maybe go riding with him every now and then.

I gotta run! more later, with pictures...


  1. That is incredibly PERFECT! Why did it take the guy so long to find you LOL.

  2. Woohoo! Congrats =)
