Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Had a very big day today. Rode Bella this morning and then hopped in the car to go look at a pony and several trailers. The pony was heavenly. He just does what you ask when you ask and not much else. What? Horses like that exist? He trail rides, games, does trail competitions, rides out away from his horse buddy at home, and is just perfect in almost every way. He's also a wonderful cuddler. I don't think we're going to be able to get him though unless some kind of miracle happens. If I find a cheaper trailer that's not falling apart, maybe... Poor Liam, he's already in love with that pony. The pony is sure to find an excellent home, he's such a good boy. If you're in the area and you're looking, let me know and I'll give you their info.

I saw one trailer that was falling apart and after that decided not to look at the other old trailers with no photos on my list. I saw two that were worth buying and made an offer on one. I don't know if she'll take it. It's not much less than her asking price but she doesn't seem real keen on selling in the first place. I actually had a hard time getting her to show it to me. She said she'd talk to her husband about it. :/

I ordered a pair of bucking rolls to be made at Indiana Harness today. Can't wait to see them. Their price was pretty nice too for custom work.

Still have to feed so I'm off!


  1. Katie9:59 PM

    Andrea, This is Katie, Lea's grandaughter. i was so hoping you would be able to get Sequoia. i miss him so much. if i had that kind of money i would buy him myself! i was so upset to see him for sale. i had my heart set on you buying him. maybe i could help somewhat with the cost? cant do much. but maybe a little would help? let me know. my email is wildone1234@gmail.com
    hope to talk to you soon.

  2. Katie, that is so sweet of you, but I'd hate to take anything from you when you're just starting out. We might be able to make it work, I'm still hoping...

  3. I am hoping you get him too. He is a wonderful pony.

  4. I am hoping you get him too. He is a wonderful pony.

  5. How much are they asking?

  6. Started at a thousand, came down a bit from there. It sounds like they might decide to keep him. Which is good, because I don't think I can make it work...
