Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Quiet night. The rising moon, framed under the regal arch of neck, shining boldly through his long mane, coldly exhilarating. Warm nose, tickling whiskers, my face an object of investigation, his breath a question, mine an answer. I love my horse.

On return a fuzzy friend calmly waiting on the stoop with quiet eyes. Those eyes, so wild, centuries old, formidable, but soft for me. His waiting fulfilled, we pass inside. I love my dog.

The children are quiet in their beds, dreaming of school, or aliens, or maybe roping a bull. We've had a big day of school shopping and then feeling ill after a poor decision on my part - McDonald's for lunch. I swear that stuff is poison. Katia is practically in volleyball boot camp, conditioning in the morning and practice at night. She's enjoying it but she's sore. Liam and John helped me move horses, drag hoses, fill troughs and feed tonight. Soxy loves to eat fresh sunflowers that grew like surprise gifts where the horses dropped a few seeds last winter.

I didn't ride tonight. It was hard, thinking about Bella and not going to get her. I did move her into a dry lot and feed her, but that was all.

Grace changed pastures with no problem. She's not being hard to catch, she was unsure but certainly not spooky as we walked through the cluttered yard and barn areas. I turned her loose in the corral near the barn but had to catch her again to get her to face her fears and go through the gate into her new pasture. She hasn't come back in yet but she will have to at some point when she gets thirsty. For now, there's lots of grass to eat.

There was a baby deer in our pasture tonight. Poor thing seemed like she's used to passing through the open gate, which is now closed with horses in that pasture. I think the electric fence shocked her, but it wasn't long before she got the courage to scoot under. There were twins here the other day, I wonder if this was one of them. Haven't seen a mama yet.

Life is good. It feels like fall in the mornings and evenings. I like fall. I try not to think much about winter though.

1 comment:

  1. Adore the photo of your young cowboy on the fence. :)
