Friday, October 14, 2011

Today was a sick day. Blech. Yesterday I came down with a fever in the afternoon and today I took it easy as much as I could. Watched a lot of TV. But had work to do, of course. No rest for the weary when you have horses to take care of. Luckily most of my horse work happened during a good spell. This is a weird bug, I'll feel pretty good for a little while and then it hits me again like a wave. Not bad, really, but I'll be happy when it passes. Katia stayed home with me too, so that was fun, aside from the sickness.

Today was our anniversary. We'll do something fun tomorrow. Tonight we're just reminiscing about how great our wedding day was. :)

I'm hoping to get some riding in tomorrow too, and I really need to pull Scout's shoes. Soxy needs some attention too. Yesterday I found a pretty nasty case of thrush hiding under her frogs. I got it cleaned out today but it's going to take some time and special attention to clear it up. I feel really bad for not noticing it sooner. Poor old girl. On the up side she seems to be feeling good, and she's loving the extra groceries she's getting now that the grass is gone. She gets to stand in the stall with no fear of Grace while she eats all her goodies. Grace stands outside looking very jealous and frustrated that she can't get in there and steal it.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend!

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