Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Grace had visitors on Sunday but they didn't seem very interested in her. I didn't feel that great about it either and I realized it was because if she finds a home I want it to be with someone who is really excited about her. These people didn't seem too taken with her, and maybe just didn't like mustangs. That's okay. I can wait. I haven't even really advertised her, and I don't have high hopes of finding her a home in this economy. And I feel okay with that right now.

Yesterday I rode Tonka for about 20 minutes at a nice relaxed walk. He didn't take one misstep. I'm going to ride again today if it kills me. I should ride Scout also but we'll see. I'm sick again. But the weather is really nice for this time of year so I'll take advantage of it as much as I can.

And that's about all I've got. Boring, I know, but there isn't much of interest going on here. I think I'll go sit down again now.

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