Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A question on forelocks:

I realize I'm a bit vain about my horses' manes. I like them as long as they'll naturally grow. I figure they're there for a reason. Defense against flies, maybe warmth. I think the forelock may help protect from the sun too. But Bella's is so long and fine that it's constantly getting into her eye and sticking. Her eye gets boogery and you can hear the lids slapping together as she blinks to try to clear it. Every now and then it actually wraps around her eyeball. So I've considered trimming it. Would you? Or would you just braid it? But if it's braided why have it at all?

Which I guess brings me to the next question, since I think I may want to trim it - how do you trim it and keep it looking natural? Would you cut it in a V shape and then use thinning shears? I'm no hairstylist but do know that I definitely don't want her to look like that one stooge, the one with the bangs. Moe?

Today I put it in a ponytail. Then eventually I braided it because the ponytail still got in her eyes.
I haven't had the time or the drive to work with her since last Wednesday. Lame of me, I know. Today I just got her out and played for a half hour. She seems to be getting a bit of a work ethic. Me, not so much. She'll never get there if I don't. I need to quit making excuses. But with the weather the way it is, it's hard. Why yes, I would like some cheese with my whine, thank you very much. :)

I feel so much better when I get out and play with a horse. I wish I knew why I have so little energy, even for something I love so much.

But! Onward and forward. This lethargy will pass, and so will the winter, and I have many years ahead to play with my fuzzy friends. I saw a pretty wall plaque the other day that says, "If you're lucky enough to have a horse, you're lucky enough." And I am. :)


  1. I say just keep it braided.

  2. Anonymous3:34 PM

    No opinion on forelocks - do what works for you . . .

    It's dark . . . it's winter. . . spend as much time outdoors as you can and do things that make you feel good . . . the only advice I have.

  3. There are lots of medical reasons why you might feel tired. Thyroid, low B12, sugar issues, food sensitivities, low iron, low Vit D, or Lyme disease, and that's just for starters. Maybe it's worth a doc's visit if you keep feeling tired?

  4. I'd love a lesson on trimming horse hair. I like the manes to grow long, too.

  5. I love that saying. Where did you see that? I would braid her forelock. They are so pretty long but do get in their way. Rusty;s is about to her nostrils.

  6. Keechy, You have a good point. I wish I could afford to go to the doctor and have all those tests done. If I had health insurance I would. Right now I'm still trying to pay off my mammogram and breast MRI from a year ago. I suspect this is depression but it would be interesting to find out if there's a physical component to it.

    Lea, it was in a catalog. Back in the Saddle, I think it was.

  7. Great equestrian blog! Why not come over and post this too at Haynet http://hay-net.co.uk/ an Equine Social Blogging Network for more to follow!

  8. Gosh that sucks re the health insurance. We don't get it right here in Oz but at least anyone who needs one can get tested or see a doc. Maybe add in a good multi-vitamin and see if that helps?
