Friday, December 16, 2011

Busy, busy, busy here with all the goings on. Wednesday Bella went to the indoor arena for the second time. She was still nervous but got over it after a while and we did some basic riding at the walk. Figure 8, circle, one-rein stop, normal stop, walk on, back up. All that. Not very exciting to read about but an excellent step in the journey.

Yesterday was an interesting and somewhat busy day at the spay/neuter clinic. Lots of really neat dogs and cats came in. Everyone is so proud of their animals. It's nice to see how much they're loved. Blue went with me since he got out of the fence last time I left him at home. He sat quietly in his crate all day and everyone admired him. Of course that meant he had more energy later. :)

I ended up having to drive back into town and do a bunch of shopping after the kids got out of school so they could get gifts for their friends. So it was a long day and much busier than I'm used to.

Today I took it easy. Kind of a day off before Christmas Break when the kids are here making messes all the time. I touched up the trim on 3 horses, did dishes, laundry, and a trip to town, but other than that I just loafed.

There is a horse rescue in Davenport, WA that is in need of help. They have plenty of hay and all that, the problem is that there has been an unexpected change in circumstances and there is too much work for one person to keep up with. She needs to adopt out 10 horses and find someone to help with the daily chores. Here's the website: They have more horses there than are listed on the website but she's having trouble getting them posted, so you might call and see if they have what you're looking for.

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