Friday, December 09, 2011

This was the scene that greeted me today when I got back from taking Grace to her new home. They were looking for their buddy. :(

But it really is a happy ending and a very happy new beginning for Grace (new name pending, I'll keep you posted). She'll be worked with a lot and there are trails and an indoor arena right down the road. She won't be a neglected pasture pet and she will have lots of love and the best care. I couldn't have found a better home for her.

On another note - maybe I need to cut back on the horsey groceries a bit. Scout and Bella are looking pretty stout. :/ (They do have their coats all puffed out in the cold though, so it's not all fat.) Can you believe that gargantuan creature is her wee baby? He sure has grown!


  1. You sure can tell they're related! I'm glad for Grace and looking forward to updates!

  2. Grace had a great first day at her new home. I call friends who "oohed and ahhed" at how quiet and gentle she seemed. We stood in the corral with Grace as she walked around meeting them, standing for neck scratches and head rubs. Later I took Grace out and tied her at the Blocker Ring. She tried to walk off with me but stood quietly when she felt the gentle pressure of the blocker ring. I groomed Grace, picked up her front feet, and brushed out her tail. Andrea, you have done a fabulous job gentling this mare!

  3. Thank you for the update! I got your phone message too when I got home (at midnight, ugh) from my daughter's concert.

    I can't really claim too much credit for Grace's good behavior. She's just a level-headed lady. And I think she just needed time to get used to this human world. I think maybe the time she spent just being fed and petted in the pasture may have done her more good than any training we did. She sure did impress me yesterday with how well she handled all the new things! I'm so glad she's with you and that you love her so much already!

  4. A bit of fat at the beginning of winter is a good thing, I think. Mine also look so round ... but I think it is the winter coat. It is funny to think of my half friesian looking like a fat pony!

  5. It's so funny how much they look alike! You're horses are all so beautiful!
