Sunday, January 29, 2012

Horse stuff has been pretty slow around here. I've played with Cimarron a few times. I still miss working with my own horses, so today after taking Cimarron for a walk I came home and took my two special ones for a walk. Tonka was happy to come out for a very short wander, and when I put him back up he stood around asking what we were going to do next. Bella got a longer walk, and I considered trimming her hooves but I think I may have to hire someone. My elbow is still shot.

Good news though! I longed Bella at a trot out in the pasture today and I didn't see much sign of a limp! It was in snow that is mushy and icy at the same time so it was a little hard to tell, but it wasn't the obvious head-bob she had before. I am so glad.

Tonka doesn't seem to be doing too badly even in the cold weather. He's doing a lot better than he did last winter.

Which brings me back to the dilemma I've been having about buying or borrowing a horse to ride. I even found myself seriously shopping through the pictures of the mustangs currently available in Oregon, planning a road trip in my head. But I've definitively decided I don't want a new horse. I have two here that I love dearly. I'm going to try to condition Tonka better this year so we can enjoy lots more wonderful rides. And if Bella comes sound we have a lot of riding ahead of us. Then of course Scout will need me to ride him since John's time is still very limited. So I don't have to "marry" a new horse just yet.

But when I do, it will probably be another mustang, fresh off the range. I don't think I want to inherit someone else's problems or training mistakes. And I like that long, slow gentling process for cementing the bond. No just jumping into the saddle and expecting things to go well without a relationship. But of course I could get lucky and get another good one like Soxy. So I'm not saying I wouldn't take a trained domestic. I just don't think the good ones come available very often.

Our weather is supposed to be a little gross this week, with rain and snow. The daily temps are going to be above freezing though so I'm hoping the world will become less of an ice rink. I want to play with my ponies!

1 comment:

  1. There are a lot of wonderful Mustangs out there to choose from.
