Saturday, January 21, 2012

Spring is coming! My horses told me so. Tonka and Soxy are shedding, just a little. I love that they start doing that every year right when winter seems at its worst.

Yesterday we had a little break in the weather and the horses really enjoyed it.

I cleared them a space to stand around the trough, and Scout had fun playing in the big snow pile. Then he found that it's a good place to itch his head.

Tonka wasn't overly cheerful. I think he just wanted to take a nap while he was warm and dry.Ribbit.
Today I had planned to go ride Cimarron, but we couldn't get out of the driveway. So John spent a couple hours plowing the deep slush and compacted snow (I'm sick of plowing so I decided to bake instead) and now I think we might be able to get out, and maybe get the car out so we can take it to town and get tires. I hope so. I want to be able to go where I want, and most of all, go ride!

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