Friday, May 11, 2012

Almost twelve years ago we drove all the way from Spokane to Priest River to look at a whippet we saw advertised in the paper.  She needed a new home because their older dog didn't like her.  When we got there they had an extremely high-energy sausage on a leash.  She was fat!  And she was certainly not a whippet.  Well, part whippet I guess.  Eventually I decided she must be part terrier.  We took her home and she became an important part of our lives.  Her name had been Haji, or Hodgy, or something like that, but we gave her a much better one.  India Anna Jones (all of our dogs are Joneses).  She was extremely trainable and would go lie down in her corner when she got too excited about visitors and we said "corner!"  She was really into her toys, one of which was a zebra that whinnied.  I tried to find a replacement for that zebra when it wore out, but the new one only squeaked and she obviously felt cheated.  She taught us a lot about dealing with a young dog that is naughty.  We learned about crate training and feeding meals rather than free-feeding.  She lost that excess weight and became healthier.  She still made huge messes when given the chance and even opened one of Katia's Christmas presents a day early.  She made Liam giggle when he dropped food from his high chair and she gobbled it up.  She was always kind to everyone, and loved snuggling so much we'd joke that she'd climb down our throats if we let her.

Lately she's been in a lot of pain.  Long story short, she had a lovely ride in the truck today, with the windows rolled down and lots of good scents on the air.  She didn't chase the cars as they passed by though, as she always had in her younger days, and she mostly just lay there while we drove.  When we got to the vet she stood up and fell backward, and it hurt pretty bad.  I got her re-settled and she didn't even have to get out of the truck.  She had a good ear rub as she got drowsy, and then she left us.  She was a good dog.  I miss her.  But I also feel really relieved that she's not in pain anymore.  It's like a weight has lifted.  It was time, and she's okay now.


  1. Anonymous3:46 AM

    I'm glad you had each other for the time you did, and I am very sorry for your loss.

  2. Carson, of the 7MSN just lost her cat. Now I'm really a bucketful of tears! It's never easy losing a loving pet. I have two older cats myself and we just lost our German Shepherd in December...sigh...

  3. What a wonderful dog and big part of your life. It's never easy letting them go, but I sure respect that you did what was best for her to the end.

  4. It looks like she had a wonderful life, and had her people around her when it was time to pass on. Sorry for your loss :(

  5. A lovely tribute and you should be proud you gave her such a great life and a loving end. xxx

  6. She had a long and happy life with you. She was loved. What more could a dog ask for?
