Wednesday, October 31, 2012

 This is my donkey on a stormy, windy day.  I wanted to get a picture of my horsey hooligans to compare, but I missed my chance.  They were running around like crazy, having a grand time.  Pedro was just a little bit more watchful than usual.  Oh, and he "spooked" at pieces of metal flying off my neighbor's nasty old trailer.  And by "spooked," I mean he stopped to look at it for a minute.

 Sweet Pedro

Sweet Bob

Chihuahua wars!

I would need a much fancier camera to catch that kind of high speed action with any decent quality.  They are so fast sometimes you don't even see them move!

My son really wants a chihuahua now that my sister and my mom have one.  No thank you!  I sure like them, but they're a little too high maintenance for me.  I like to visit with them though.


  1. I love your Donkeys!

    Silly Chihuahuas!

  2. have you ever been to the blog for the 7MSN Ranch. She also has donkeys. It is another really great blog. There is a link on my blog if you haven't been there yet.

  3. Cindy, I read her blog every day! I absolutely adore her boys. And I was SO jealous when she got Lucy.

    When I got Bob and Pedro I was trying to think back to when/why I started to love donkeys. It was George and Alan, and a lovely white donkey named Peaches who lives on my friend's farm.

    When I was younger, I kinda liked donkeys, but had no use at all for mules. I'd play that Oregon Trail computer game at school and never, ever chose mules or oxen even though they were the practical choice. I was definitely a horse girl. I still dream of having a responsive, willing horse like Tonka again. But I sure do like the steadiness of these donkeys.

  4. I have never in my life given donkeys a second thought until recently. It wasn't until I started reading the 7msn blog and now yours that I gained a new respect for these furry little animals. I can see now what I have been missing by not taking the time to notice them. Whether or not I will ever own one, I cannot say at this time...But I am truly enjoying learning about them through yours and Carsons blogs!
