Thursday, December 13, 2012

 Today the sun made an appearance, and I was home to enjoy it.  Pedro, above, is photogenic as always.  Bob, below, was sweet and cuddly.
 I don't take enough photos of Bob.  He doesn't pose for a photo like Pedro does.  He's old and tired.

The dogs went mouse hunting up the hill and came running when I called.

My mama's boy, Blue:

And happy Huckleberry:

 They're a little camera shy when they know what I'm up to.

Pedro is still lame.  He is improving but I wouldn't want to take him for a walk.  Bob doesn't like to leave Pedro and Pedro runs around when I take Bob out, which would probably make him more sore, so I haven't taken either of them out for a walk.

What about the mustangs?  They're there.  I spent a little time with them today, grooming them with my hands and checking to see if they had any itchy spots they wanted scratched.  Scout tested my authority by trying to bite my nose, and Bella would have been happier just to stand around together, without all the touching.  They could both use some more focused work, but for now Scout got smacked and Bella got rubbed all around and then I went to see the donkeys, who I knew were waiting for me and would be happy to see me.

A fellow donkey-lover turned me on to this neat website: where you don't have to ride to have fun with your equines.  When I can afford it and Pedro is a little less lame, I'll join and maybe send in a video to be judged.  It'll be fun to have some goals to do on the ground, and it will only help my horsemanship (or should that be donkeyladyship?) and make for a better under saddle relationship. 

I'm off to mop the floors!  Hooray!


  1. Great pictures! And, as someone who loves ground work I'm really excited about that website.

  2. Andrea-- thanks for providing the link to horse agility. The club is wonderful - for horses and donkeys-and we are slowly getting more donkeys from around the world, which is great fun. If you become a member , which is around 30.00 per year- you will see that a donkey agility international group has been set up. We talk a lot about training.
    I haven't competed online yet, but we are working toward it. Both of my donkeys are registered; it is a wonderful new sport for donkeys!

  3. I just love your dogs! They remind me so much of mine but mine aren't camera shy, they just move to fast to get decent pictures!!
    Hope Pedro is better soon. Poor guy.
    And the agility sounds great!!

  4. Blue and Huckleberry could be Teddy's brothers!
