Saturday, January 19, 2013

It's been a tough week.  I made the hard decision to take Dan back.  We just weren't going to work out.

So, what am I going to do for a horse?  I'm back to thinking I have all I need right now.  I'll ride Scout, maybe ride Bella if I ever figure out her lameness, and maybe ride the donkeys.  At least I have one sound horse.  :)  John says I can't have him forever, because he does want to ride, but we'll see about that.

Actually, it sounds like there may be a mustang adoption in Spokane on my birthday.  I've already made arrangements to have the time off.  I don't know if you all remember, but Tonka was a birthday present.  So...  Maybe... ???  I think perhaps there's a big bay mustang gelding out there waiting for me.

On an up note, I was able to get the horse trailer (I'm borrowing my dad's again) out of the driveway and I hauled it on snowy roads for the first time.  It was fine.  Luckily the highways were mostly bare.

Other happy news, I still have yet to find a horse I can't load in the trailer, although Dan had me wondering.  I think it took two hours and I had to put him in the mustang pen so he couldn't get away from me.  He had a rear and twirl trick that ripped the lead rope out of my hands more than once.  But eventually he went in.  He was scared, not just being naughty.  Poor dude.  I hope he finds his perfect someone.

Scout was sad to see his new friend leave.  Dan really taught me a lot about Scout in the short time he was here.  He was very no-nonsense with Scout when Bella joined them, and he made Scout move.  I thought it looked kinda mean, although not violent.  Turns out that's what Scout needed.  A couple days later he was following Dan around like the world revolved around him.  Dan just took it for granted, and there was no warm and fuzzy happy grooming time.  Scout even chose Dan over me.  I think I need to kick some Scout butt and quit loving on him.  :)

I better get off my butt.  I am picking up some hay tomorrow (small bales, YAY!) and I need to get the ice and sand out of the back of the pickup.


  1. I'm glad you sent him back. There were a few too many questions. I hope your big bay boy is out there waiting for your birthday! Ha, on the rare occasions I've been on a horse hunt, I always get to feeling as though a certain sort of horse, sex, colour etc might be my next. I've never been right yet. :)

  2. It was the right decision.

    Who knows what I'll end up with in terms of a horse. I find I'm not as easy to please as I thought I was. I do like a nice bright bay, but color is just about the last thing on my list of what I want in a horse.

  3. boy can I relate to that "One sound horse" statement.
    Well I'm guessing the right horse is out there. You will find him.

  4. I know how disappointed you must be, but am so glad you figured it out in time. Looking forward to continuing your journey with you. You are a great writer.

  5. It would be wonderful if you found him on your birthday!

  6. I'm sorry things didn't work out with Dan. You'll find the right new horse for you in time.

    Isn't it interesting watching horse herd behavior?

