Thursday, February 14, 2013

So I joined a new mustang registry called the Wild Horse and Burro Association.  I was kinda skeptical because I'd joined one before (actually I thought this was the same one at first, but it's new) and they never did anything.  There was no point to being a member.  This one has some shows and stuff, which really means nothing to me because I'm not in the right area, but they also have things you can do at home, like logging and sending in your riding hours.  I'm not sure if there's an award for that or not...

The thing I'm more excited about at the moment is the Equine Good Citizen Award.  I'm not sure this link will work, but if it does, check it out:

Bella can do all of these things.  So I just need someone to take video for me.  It's really nice to have something to work toward!  Maybe I'll register Scout and get him doing it too.  What fun.


  1. Oh that is exciting! I think you should enter both of them. It looks like fun.

  2. I think they are still figuring out the "Awards" part of things :) But yeah, the EGC program looks fun, I'm going to have to find someone to video Cody and I.

  3. It always helps to have some goals! They sound fun. I like the idea of those better than competitive type ones. Here in Oz we don't have any of the trail horse type stuff you guys have. I wish we did.

  4. Yep, I am a member too. I will be sending off my registrations for my 2 wild ones this week. I think this one will be around for a long time! I am going to a WHBA meeting next Sunday for WA. So hopefully will get more scoop! I love the idea of logging riding hours and sending it in. I do that for the Paint Horse Association and get awards for hours logged. Hopefully this assoc. will do the same. I am excited for it!!
