Sunday, March 10, 2013

I found my horse!  I am so excited!  I'm still waiting to see some video, but I'm pretty positive he's the guy.  He's a 5 year old gelding from the Sheepshead HMA in Oregon.  He is a TIP horse (basically trainers get paid to gentle the horse and get it adopted out) that I originally saw earlier this winter, but we were snowed in and then it looked like he'd been adopted.  He was supposed to go to Texas but the hauler backed out. 

Anyway, after I decided I wasn't going on my trip, I posted to a mustang group on Facebook that I am actively looking for a horse, and this guy got re-posted.  I LOVE his face.

He's about the same size Tonka was, maybe an inch shorter which would be great.  I don't know if he's wide enough to fit my saddle but I sure hope he is.  He has a very calm, willing disposition.  He leads, loads, and picks up his feet.  He's ready to be saddled.  I'm ready to work on that with him!

I am so stinking excited.  I couldn't even eat my dinner. 

He's near Portland, OR, which is farther than I really want to go, but we're trying to work out a way to meet part way.  I think she will probably meet me in The Dalles.  That'd knock about 4 hours off the round trip, so that would be very nice!

I want to go get him tomorrow.  That's probably not at all reasonable, asking her to drop everything and head out.  Hopefully soon though.  Cross your fingers for me!


  1. Yeah!!! I am so excited for you! I had seen him on Adopt A Living Legend awhile ago and noticed he was back! I love his face too. He looks like such a sweetheart. Chance is from Sheepshead and I absolutely love Sheepshead mustangs!! I would have gotten another from that HMA if they got big enough for my boyfriend, but they tend to run on the smaller side. But yours looks good sized! I hope you get him soon!! And I bet you won't sleep until he gets home! lol!

  2. Anonymous4:14 AM

    Very exciting - can't wait until you bring him home!

  3. Anonymous6:59 AM

    He looks like he's a good size. He still has another year to fill out and get wider, so don't get rid of that saddle. Does the Sheepshead herd have some draft influence? He looks like he might have a little draft horse in him.

  4. Oh I love him! How exciting. Keeping my fingers crossed for you!

  5. I barely slept at all last night. I am so excited. I should be able to pick home up tomorrow as long as the BLM does it's part today.

    Yes, there is some draft influence there. I don't need a tall horse but I do like a sturdy horse.

  6. It must have been meant to be! He must have had to wait for you to be absolutely certain that Bella couldn't work out for you.
