Thursday, April 11, 2013

We worked on trailer loading again tonight. Scout and Bella were not helpful, tearing around in the pasture right next to the trailer.  Joseph kept backing out to see what was going on out there.  I'd just ask him to back up a little further and then get back in. Then I wedged him up in the front where I'll eventually close a divider on him and he had a snack.

After that I "tied" him to the trailer.  There was no knot, just a wrap of the rope to give it some serious drag, but it would (in theory) give if he really panicked and pulled back.  He didn't.  He did dance around a little though.

He got his first haircut today and I even brushed his mane for the first time.  He wasn't overjoyed about the scissors up by his ears but he didn't do anything stupid.

Saturday I'm going to take him to work with me and he'll have to hang out in the corral there all day.  He's going to meet the brand inspector and the vet and watch horses come and go at our health clinic.  I hope he behaves himself and doesn't get too stressed out.


  1. Look at that pretty arch in his neck! He's going to be so nice to ride.

  2. He's looking good! That will be a great experience for him hanging out at the vets. Lots of different things going on there!

  3. Wow, he is just so handsome. You are doing some great stuff with him.

  4. Hope he behaves! He looks very handsome after your trim :)
