Tuesday, May 21, 2013

So much for my plan to ride my horse again today.  I had to wait until John was home, because what if something bad happened when I was alone?  We kind of have a standing rule, no riding colts when nobody else is home.  I say "kind of" because it's a rule I'd really like to break sometimes, so I don't want to admit that it really is a real rule.  :)

Anyway, it was gorgeous out until about noon, and I did get a short ride in on Scout, as well as some mowing and watering of the garden.  But when I got my Joseph out during a break in the very light rain this evening, it decided to downpour.  Joseph was jumpy.  I mean really jumpy.  So I wasn't going to climb on, but I also didn't want to quit when he was scared.  So I didn't.  My good saddle got soaked.  We got to a halfway decent stopping point and I got him unsaddled right in front of the house, John ran my saddle and a stand inside, and I put my horse away.  After I'd changed into dry clothes I blotted my saddle dry as best I could and soaked it with saddle oil.  It's a gorgeous color now.  I don't know what it will dry like.  Can't wait to see it in the morning. 

But I wish I could have ridden my horse!

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