Monday, May 27, 2013

What a good day we had yesterday.


  1. That does seem like a nice day, just hanging out with the horses. I miss days like that.

    I like your approach with them. It's so laid-back.

  2. Looks like such a good day!!

    I am honestly in love with bella.... (I'm going to be really embarrassed if thats not a picture of bella near the bottom....I can't remember if scout looks similar to her or not...!) because her and Pony look like twins!

    Looks like Joseph is a really laid back guy!

  3. Anonymous6:04 PM

    Looks wonderful! - what a lovely, sweet face.

  4. Very cool! Joseph looks fantastic!! You are doing a fabulous job with him!

  5. looks to me like about as perfect a day as I have ever seen!

  6. Marissa - that is Scout, but to be honest I can't tell Bella and Scout apart sometimes either. They do look a lot alike. :) I didn't realize it at the time, but I didn't post any pictures of Bella. I'll have to remedy that today.

  7. Are these pictures taken close to your place? You are so lucky to live that close to such beauty. Our creek is so bare of trees in most places. I really like Joseph's color. He seems like a calm draft horse type of fellow. Very handsome.

  8. Arlene, I think this is about 20 miles from home. I haven't even begun to explore all the places there are to go around here. We're pretty lucky, living so close to such a beautiful giant playground.
