Saturday, July 13, 2013

3 creeks, 2 horses, 2 dogs, and 1 parade

Today was busy but pretty darn good.  If only all days could be like this.  :)

Started off getting stuff done early so we could head to the farmer's market.  Then we went to watch my niece in a parade.  She does a good princess wave.

 Fun stunts

And an absolutely wonderful ride on an increasingly incredible trail horse.  :)

Blue got to come along because he sticks with me and doesn't chase cows.

My friend's dog Dixie looks a lot like my dogs but she's much more sedate.

At the beginning of the ride Scout was lagging behind.

A nice little snack break.

My good trail partners:
Now I am going to go vegetate for a while.

1 comment:

  1. Good on you for giving Scout a go! I always thought you'd like him if you gave him time. How could you not? He's adorable! :)
