Monday, July 08, 2013

Excellent ride

This morning I saddled up Scout and waited for our ride.  While he was waiting it sprinkled a bit and he didn't like it.  He looks a little perturbed here.  But he also looks like he needs some conchos on his breastcollar

My sister and my niece picked us up and we headed out to McCroskey State Park.  Here we are at the trailhead, looking at the old tavern.

Yes, I adorned my boy horse with daisies.  He didn't mind.  Look how pretty the cedar forest is.  It was so cool and refreshing.  
Scout was in the middle, back, and lead today.  He did just fine in all three roles, although he does like to poke the butt of the hose ahead of him.  I let him get away with it when Cowboy was in the lead because Cowboy doesn't care.  But I shouldn't have done that because then I'd get complacent when Moose was ahead of us and Scout would almost get us in trouble.  Moose doesn't want to be poked in the butt.

Scout says, "What's going on back there?"
Scout and Cowboy like to socialize (and try to eat each other's reins) when we stop for breaks.

Beautiful flowers

Nice profile:

Poor, tired Scout.

These pictures remind me of a Buck Brannaman program I watched recently.  Pissed me off a bit, to be honest.  He said if you leave your halter on under your bridle like some kind of pig farmer, he wouldn't speak to you.  He also rudely made fun of people who hold their horses too close to their halter.  Everyone has to start somewhere - there's no reason to make fun of people.  And there is good enough reason to leave your halter on under your bridle if you tend to walk and ride (my hips get to hurting, and I enjoy a good hike almost as much as a good ride).  I don't like leading my horse by the bit, and I like to be able to slip his bridle off and let him graze comfortably during our lunch break.  If that makes me a pig farmer, so be it.  I didn't really want Buck Brannaman to talk to me anyway.  I don't know why people can't just be courteous to each other, even if they do know it all.

Back to my happy reality though - I have nothing at all to complain about today - we had a wonderful ride.  Scout was a total gem and a joy to ride, even though we haven't ridden in about a month (which I'm almost ashamed to admit).

When we got home I hung out with them all for a little while.

I like to sit on the ground and visit with my horses.  I'm lazy like that.

Here comes Bella:

Strange perspective:

Shiny, happy horsey looking 'round:

The boys, and on the other side of the fence, the pasture they'll get to graze next:

My super handsome fella:
Tomorrow I get to work with the equine dentist again.  Another fun day learning about teeth and getting to know new people and horses!  Can't complain there.


  1. Looks like it was quite a nice ride!

  2. I guess I must be a pig farmer too as I leave a halter on for all the same reasons. What could Buck B. have against that? Honestly, I'm a bit tired of all these clinicians. If you want to know what a horse is thinking, go ask a horse and skip the gurus and their $80 rope halters.

    I loved your photos at the end:)

  3. Yep that was a pretty rude thing to say. Yep am pretty tired of clinicians too. I think horse ownership was more fun when I wasn't worried all the time how my behaviour was affecting my horse's feelings about my leadership position. :P

    Great post! Hey in that last pic Joseph looked for a second like he had the fence railing in his mouth like a dog with a stick. :)

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  6. That's funny, I didn't notice it looked like he had a stick in his mouth! I did notice he had a little food hanging out though. :)

    I do enjoy watching and reading about other people's methods, especially if they communicate well, I just wish people wouldn't be so elitist about it. Everyone starts at the beginning. Most everyone does the best they can with what they have to bring to the table - and we can ALL do better, learn more, and try harder. Belittling and berating people isn't going to make anyone better.

  7. Anonymous2:50 AM

    Lovely ride and great pictures! I always leave my halter on under the bridle on the trail - if I have to get off my horse and lead him or have to tie him for some reason I want to be able to do this with the halter, not the bridle.

    I'm not really interested in what other people, including Buck, think of it.

  8. I was looking at your pictures of Scout thinking, "Gosh his mane is pretty." Oh duh, I have a picture of it on my wall! (well its packed now- but I still have one and it is one of my favorites)

    I wonder how long it has been since Buck has gone on a long trail ride. Probably eons. Perhaps he has forgotten what it is like for us folks who ride for fun, instead of money.

  9. Buck seemed a bit antisocial in his movie, so it's not terribly surprising that he would make the 'pig farmer' comment. I love the photos of the horses hanging out with you. They seem to enjoy when you do that.

  10. I don't know this Buck fellow, but he pisses me off.
