Thursday, July 25, 2013

This is one of my favorite photos.  Moving on toward fall at Kamiak Butte.

Just looking for something to blog about.  Don't have much nice to say so thought I'd share a picture instead.  :)

I am dog tired
Gonna go crawl in a hole and sleep until I have to get up again.

What happened in your life today that made you smile?  


  1. Well I had to do a wry smile when my two black Labs came out with me into a very rainy day to feed horses breakfast and decided to dig under a tree root for mice, thereby getting sand and dirt stuck all over their wet coats. So then I had the bright idea to take them for a nice wet walk through long grass trying to get most of it off again, which worked pretty well. Then we go to play the 'towel-drying a dog' wrestling game, times two, before they got to come back inside. :)

  2. Well, what happened yesterday was pretty funny... My dog climbed up, trying to eat dinner with us and sat on the bench next to the table. She tried to steal my food...and then she just sat there looking cute as if she didn't attempt to do anything. If you have a dog, you know that "I'm so innocent look." Ha ha.

  3. Had a good dressage lesson last night, the sun is shining today, and the picture you posted made me smile as well :)

  4. This morning I get to smile because it is cold and stormy but I can look out the window and see my rising two year old all cosy in his first rug. He was a very good boy having it put on. Good old clicker training!

  5. Thanks all for sharing your happy moments with me! :)

  6. I finished moving the stuff out of my house. It's a huge relief. I went to dinner with my husband and honorary parents, and it was delightful. I feel incredibly happy and relieved, and dinner was outstandingly delicious.
