Monday, October 14, 2013

Hello again!

Wow, it's been a long while since I've posted.

The fall colors are getting very pretty here.  This is a nice little tree at my friend's place.  I saw some beautiful sunsets up there while I was farm-sitting for her.

John and I took the horses for a nice little jaunt in the woods last week.  He walked Joseph quite a bit while I rode Scout.  Joseph likes him.  Scout was in an interesting place, very nervous.  But it had been a while since I'd done anything with him, so that's not really surprising.

We were all decked out in our hunting season finery.

Scout thought the distant cattle needed watching.

Thirteen years ago today John and I were married.  On Friday we visited the park where we were married.  This tree was in our wedding photos.  I want to dig them out and see how different it was then.

Pretty fall colors at home too.

Joseph and I went to my sister's to play yesterday.  He's such a good, willing boy.  He tried out all the weird obstacles, and I think he rather enjoyed it.

Her horses came to the fence to say hello.  They're so cute.

Joseph wanted to get a little closer, but we didn't want any shenanigans over the fence.

He was a little distracted sometimes, but he was still cute.

Just standing...

This was pretty cute.  I was standing on the tire and I hadn't really asked him to step up, but he really wanted to try it out.  It was a big step up for such a short guy.

A little awkward.

He was so proud of himself!

I think he really liked the view from up there.

When we got home we had a little unloading mishap.  He decided to back out before he was fully untied.  So there I was, stuck in the trailer with him pulling back on the rope in a panic.  All I could think to do was stand there and wait for something to change.  I must have pulled the rope loose because suddenly he was free and we were both unhurt.  I backed him quickly around the field and loaded and tied him again, leaving the divider and the door open so if he wanted to try that stunt again, he could.  But he didn't, and he untied and unloaded very nicely.  Then he got a little pedicure.  I'd let his hooves get to a disgraceful state and they were starting to crack.

That's about all I have to write about at the moment.  Hope you're all enjoying the change of seasons!


  1. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Looks fun working with such a good horse. Like all the pics!

  2. He is such a handsome boy! You really are doing fantastic with him.

  3. Phew, glad to see all is well after such a long break in posts! I love the Just Standing pic with Joseph in silhouette. Your sis must love blazes! :)

  4. He is so brave. He really trusts you.

  5. That's so cool that he climbed on that tire with you! Happy anniversary!

  6. You guys have so much fun. It's great to see that Joseph enjoys going places and doing things with you.

    Glad to see another post from you :)

  7. Thanks all! I guess I had a little bit of a blogging slump there. Going to try to do better! Lot of good weather coming so that ought to help.
