Monday, November 18, 2013


The wind stopped blowing today so I didn't hide in the barn with the horses while I petted them.  Joseph and I went to check fence.  At one point I had to drop his lead and scoot under the fence to get after my fighting dogs (they had found a tasty dead thing) and Joseph stood there very sweetly and waited for me.

The dog fighting has got to stop.  This time Huckleberry came away with several bloody spots and a limp.  Blue is going to borrow a shock collar from my sister tomorrow.  I can never get to them quickly enough to break it up before they get carried away, and then I can't catch the bad dog after the fact. The shock collar will hopefully be a very satisfying experience (for me).

Then I saddled Joseph up and we played with the hula hoop.  Since he's got the clicker "target" thing down he stuck his nose right on it and would have done so repeatedly into eternity as long as I was game to keep playing.  When I put it over his head he thought it was weird, but I've practiced throwing the rope over and sliding the rope (and the bridle) over his ears so it wasn't a totally new idea.  Then we worked on neck reining with the hoop.  He's a quick study although he wasn't totally comfortable with the idea.

No bucking or even scooting today with the saddle, and he seemed more comfortable with it overall.  It was a good day.


  1. I totally understand your frustration with the dog fighting. I have the same issue with my Aussies. Sadie has some mental issues and she will attack Bailey out of the blue. If I am home alone I can't break them up and there is always blood involved. It's so heart breaking. The fighting has gotten better but has never completely gone away. Hope you find something that works!
    Joseph looks like he is doing well!

  2. That's interesting. I think Blue has some mental issues as well. He's just not quite right. I really should have taken the breeder's recommendation and picked a different puppy. But I do love my Blue! I just wish he wasn't such a jerk to Huck! Hopefully we'll get them straightened out.

  3. He has the most endearingly sweet roman nose I have ever seen. Such a handsome boy and a kind eye.

    1. Thank you! I think he's pretty cute too. :)

  4. I had to have an animal behaviorist out to help me. It was so bad when she was only 6 months old and showing aggression towards me. Thankfully it really helped me get Sadie's behavior in check and how to control it. She has severe social anxiety and insecurity issues as well as being the dominant dog. I can tell by the look in her eye and body language when she is going to explode and I can usually control it. But there are certain situations that I can't. Sadie's dad was pretty aggressive and I only met him once. I wish I would have questioned the breeder more then I did. There were times it was so bad I thought I was going to have to have her euthanized. She is in a much better place now, with a LOT of hard work on my part! I absolutely love and adore her though!

    1. Sounds like she's very lucky you picked her! A lot of people wouldn't have put in so much effort. Glad you found a way to make it work.

  5. Yes that fighting among the pack can be really frustrating. I had it for a short while when I brought Butch home, but then I laid down the law and it has never happened since. But I doubt my approach would work in most cases. I just got lucky.

    I have to agree with DD, Love that big old nose!

    1. I've tried laying down the law, very clearly, when I can catch the little fart. I'm sure there are a lot of everyday mistakes i make though, that allow him to think he can get away with picking on Huck.

  6. So far, there's no fighting between my Aussies, Teddy and Biskit. Fingers crossed.

    Teddy, much to my surprise, lays down the law with Biskit and when she's out of control, Teddy chases her and nips her hocks...makes her go, "Yip". Sometimes Teddy gives her a nip on the nose to keep her in line.

    I hope they don't get into serious fighting. Shock collar is a great idea.
