Wednesday, January 08, 2014

I am haunted by a story I heard today about a horse that I met last summer who recently starved to death, and the two that are still there. Honestly I think it's a case of ignorance, because they seem like decent people.  They've been given instructions on how to care for the remaining two horses.  But I really want to go take one of those mares, if they're still giving them away.  I wish I could afford to help the horses who give me goosebumps.  This mare is a kids' horse, one of those babysitter types, and Liam could use a mount on our trip this summer.

Oh well...  Wishes aren't horses.  I've been a bit down today, and dwelling on this isn't helping...

On the up side of things, we finally got our propane delivery!  I don't know what took them so long.  I can wash clothes and do dishes and I don't have to shower at someone else's house!  Yay!


  1. I'm like you, there are some I wish I could save. Actually I wish I could save them all.

  2. Me too! But in order to properly care for the ones I have, I just have to say no. Taking a minute to think about how much I love them is a sure way to make me feel a little better about accepting my limitations.

  3. I think there are a lot of us who'd like to rescue some horses, even save them all. But like you, we just can't. I think that people show you who they want you to see...after all I've heard that Ted Bundy was handsome, charismatic and very friendly. How else would he have duped all those women into getting in his car? Not all nice-seeming people are really nice. Even if they're truly ignorant of good nutrition, bones don't lie. If you see bones, the horse is not getting enough food. Pretty simple stuff. I'm sorry that this is haunting you, I know how that feels.
