Tuesday, January 28, 2014

I've had a good couple of days with Joseph, going way back to basics and finding holes.  I have spent every waking moment thinking about this horse for the past couple weeks and I've decided to offer him for reassignment through the BLM.  I don't have his title yet, and that could work in his favor, keeping him protected for a year after a new adopter takes him on.  I'm not holding my breath though, I don't think there is anyone out there who wants to take on a horse like this.  I love him, and I don't even want to mess with it.  But we'll see.  Some people love a challenge.  I have high hopes that I'm just not his person and there is someone out there who will make him happy, and he'll settle into domestic life for them.

Scout and I had a good walk yesterday too.  He's such a goof.  And it's such a breath of fresh air to play with a horse who's begging for attention rather than running away.  I tried to talk John into giving him to me (again) but he insists he will ride him if we can ride together.  Hmmm.  Maybe he will, if I ever have a good horse to ride.

My posts may become even more sporadic as I slowly work my way through this crisis, and wait to feel well enough to saddle up and ride again.  I will be riding Scout once I'm sure I can sit in a saddle without hurting too bad.  And I'll continue messing with Joseph.  But I really hope his human will wander into his life sooner rather than later.


  1. I can't imagine what inner turmoil you must have been going through to make this decision. I hope it all works out, and it will be happy endings for all.

  2. Anonymous6:05 AM

    You've been very thoughtful about all of this. Best to you as you continue to think and work it through to reach the best decisions for all concerned.

  3. I hope for the happiest possible ending for you and for Joseph. Sometimes the best decision is the hardest.

  4. I'm so sad for you, Andrea, but I do understand. Hopefully the perfect home for Joseph is reading you blog! Since Joseph has shaken your nerve and bit and you aren't feeling %100 physically, I'd suggest the same thing to you that was suggested to me for the same reasons: Next horse should be a steady teenager with plenty of miles under his or her belt so you can get your confidence back. Maybe there is even an oldster out there that someone could lend you in return for the great care you would give them.

  5. That's a tough decision to make. If you can't feel safe on him though, then you never will be. I hope you both find the right place.
