Monday, January 20, 2014

Joseph bucked me off.  I guess it was bound to happen.  He just got nervous, tensed suddenly, which scared him even more, and off he went.  I don't really know exactly how it all played out but I hit my head pretty hard.  I think, based on what my son saw, that I'm lucky he didn't step on my head or flip over.  Yay.  My left leg isn't working right, but it's just an exacerbation of a previous problem.  I'm hoping my chiropractor can work out the cramp that's keeping me from lifting my knee.

Dang it all.  Well, there you go.  That was Saturday, and this is Monday.  I won't be getting back on anytime soon, if ever.  We have a lot of groundwork to do and he has to prove he can handle stress a little better than this.  I'm not going to risk my life riding an explosive horse.  But maybe he'll get through it.


  1. Anonymous5:40 PM

    He seems very anxious and reactive - time to slow things way down. It may take a little while, or a long while, for him to work through things, one thing at a time. Sorry you hit the dirt and hope you're OK.

    I like his eye and his demeanor - the worry is getting in the way of his being a great horse right now but I think he'll get through it.

  2. Didn't see this one until just now. I am glad you weren't hurt too badly. I think you'll be able to help him through it. You are pretty darn good at working with those mustangs. Maybe it was just too soon for him.

  3. Oh Andrea I am so sorry. He has such a soft eye. Sage came around. Just needs more from the ground and despooking stuff maybe.

  4. Sorry to hear this I hoped you are on the mend soon!!! I will be nervous about riding Luna that is why I'm having s trainer do those first 45 rides- hoping I'd she's going to blow she'll try it with someone a little more experienced. But I do think she'll eventually be the one I come off of, just because she is green.

  5. Oh no! I hope you heal up! Riding horses in the beginning always makes me nervous...which is why lately, I've had others do it.

  6. I agree with the others. We get to a certain age, we stop bouncing when we come off. I too would be getting an experienced person to do some rides first. How about the person who did Scout? He seemed to come back pretty good under saddle. Or maybe a mustang expert? One of the challenge people maybe? It will be a shame if such a potentially-good horse can't have a career under saddle. In the meantime, ouchie! You poor thing! We really do feel it hard when we older gals come off. :) In my young racehorse-riding days there was one nippy little sod who got me off every morning for weeks! I was back on as fast as i went off! When my last mare bucked me off, the one and only time, over a disagreement of direction, I not only hit the ground like a sack of bricks, I also cried because it meant she didn't love me. :)

  7. Should have added; of course that wasn't what it meant at all, it just felt like it at the time. :)

  8. I agree with the others. We get to a certain age, we stop bouncing when we come off. I too would be getting an experienced person to do some rides first. How about the person who did Scout? He seemed to come back pretty good under saddle. Or maybe a mustang expert? One of the challenge people maybe? It will be a shame if such a potentially-good horse can't have a career under saddle. In the meantime, ouchie! You poor thing! We really do feel it hard when we older gals come off. :) In my young racehorse-riding days there was one nippy little sod who got me off every morning for weeks! I was back on as fast as i went off! When my last mare bucked me off, the one and only time, over a disagreement of direction, I not only hit the ground like a sack of bricks, I also cried because it meant she didn't love me. :)

  9. I've been thinking a lot on what I'm going to do, and taking him to a trainer has definitely crossed my mind, but I don't have one in mind who I trust with a horse this sensitive. I don't want him jazzed up and more worried, but I also can't afford to send him to someone for months on end. So I'm continuing to think...
